Let’s walk together and move from dysfunctional belief systems to embrace the capacity to settle the body and mind in the present moment, to master its habits and strong emotional conditioning.

I encourage you every step of the way to stay curious and open while learning to transform the energy of emotion of thought and to connect more with a field of possibilities.

Let’s walk together and move from dysfunctional belief systems to embrace the capacity to settle the body and mind in the present moment, to master its habits and strong emotional conditioning.

I encourage you every step of the way to stay curious and open while learning to transform the energy of emotion of thought and to connect more with a field of possibilities.

My Journey

A strong calling to support others in need and a growing interest in the intricacies of the mind guided me to university at the age of 18 with the grandiose vision to graduate as a Psychologist.

With my unconscious archetype of the “wounded healer”, my innate ability to listen deeply and my natural curiosity about the depths of the subconscious mind and the realm of dreams, I set off to university determined to succeed.

But I did not.

Regardless of my passion and commitment, my vision of a career in psychotherapy was brought to a severe halt by the intricacies of mathematical statistics. This hurdle crippled my dream and revealed deep seated childhood traumas in the process.

I dropped out feeling defeated, confused and with what I thought at the time, my life purpose left bedraggled in the gutter.

It was exactly what I needed.

By dropping out I dropped deeper within.

I began to learn in a way more suited to my calling and inclusive of developing my intuitive abilities. Beyond bound academic interpretations, I immersed myself in the practical study of energetic healing, hypnosis, lucid dreaming, ritual, spiritual practice, breathwork, intuitive mastery, counseling and meditation.

With each modality I journeyed deeper within while offering support to others.

While pursuing a career as a designer to financially sustain myself, I nurtured further study in the healing arts part time until it became apparent that my career as a designer in the corporate industry was no longer aligned and called to be released.

In 2004, with the birth of my daughter, the wheel turned again. As I birthed as a mother, my spiritual practice and studies evolved and I embraced a full-time commitment to creating healing spaces and offering service to others.

And here I flow, walking a path of service with offerings that I have gathered over the past 30 years.

I honor and meet you where you are at as we join in sharing one goal.

At times, you may be called to bear witness to the falling away of old dreams, of who you thought you are and how you thought it was going to be here. It can be both terrifying and exhilarating to watch as all of the familiar reference points, beliefs, and ideas about life and love dissolve.

Through this ripening process, deeper insight arrives … always.

A multitude of life experience, study, service, certification, apprenticeship and ceremony have intricately woven themselves to produce my capacity to offer this support to you.

I have sat atop mountains and in the depths of forests in traditional vision quest. With humble prayer and fasting, I softened to receive guidance from within and offer gratitude to the expressions of Spirit in Nature.

I have trained and initiated as a sweatlodge pourer and water woman with indigenous elders, offering full and new moon meditative healing circles and retreats.

I have fasted for 40 days, deepened my meditative practice and include regular new moon fasts as an offering.

I have assisted in plant medicine ceremonies and journeyed with the allies of the plant kingdom and ancestral beings to receive deeper insight.

I have worked in empowering women from severe poverty through craft and sacred creative expression.

My love and reverence for the natural kingdom finds me at the waters edge, with my fingers deep in the soil and walking barefoot in the forests daily.

I swim in the overflowing fountain of creativity of Spirit and express it joyously through writing, art, gardening, community, ceremony, cooking and most importantly, relationship and motherhood.

I have held the hands of clients in process and embraced and honored all the aspects of myself reflected through their courageous process.

And in each moment, I still marvel at how concepts and perspectives continue to fall away with a regular invitation to that which is richer than any experience lived… the Present Moment.

And this is where I meet you.

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